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This is a digital product (this is a spell you do yourself) that I used to manifest my rainbow baby it can be used whenever your heart desires with the fertility in your hands it is at the most powerful.

I had a 6 year journey to my son the last year of my journey
Full Moon and New Moon rituals helped me to balance my new emotions and practice my affirmations to keep my vibration as high as possible
Vibration is a level of emotion you are currently at. It works like a magnet in wave with the Universal forces of nature. How you are feeling in your conscious state is what you are receiving in your life on all levels including health. The universe corresponds to your unconscious and conscious emotions. These are thought forms sent like signals from your cells and filtered through the brain. Towards the Universe which is responding to your vibe.

Learning to clearly ask for what you want is a big part of this practice. It requires you to dig deep into your heart and listen to what it is telling you. Often we find ourselves caught up in our fertility journey with timing and blame ourself and start a real fear base relationship with fertility our bodies and then lose our intuition and loose the connection to the womb space The uterus is like a cosmic oocyte, the beginning of all. The womb is everything, because this is what carries life and thus it is important to be healthy and there are methonds to make it healthy again. These belief systems can to be processed in new moon intention rituals. The beauty is you do not need to have it all figured out right now. All that is required is an open heart and a willingness to explore what surfaces in your life with courage.

Fertility calling in your baby moon spells is the act of stimulating your power and aiming it towards your goal. “Magic is the projection of natural energies to produce needed effects.”As you can see, the power is within you, in your mind. you will intensify and enhance your magic power. Your mind will be relaxed, and at the same time, focused on your goal. Your mind will be clear of everything else, and you’ll hold your visualized goal in your mind like a light.

Larina x

Fertility Spell | Pregnancy Manifesting

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